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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

LockBit 3.0 gang claims to have stolen data from ThalesSecurity Affairs

The ransomware group LockBit 3.0 claimed to have stolen data from the French defense and technology group Thales.

Thales is a global high-tech leader with more than 81,000 employees worldwide. The Group invests in digital and deep technological innovations such as big data, artificial intelligence, connectivity, cybersecurity and quantum to put people at the center of decision-making, building a future of trust essential to the advancement of our society.

French defense and technology group Thales has confirmed that it is aware that the ransomware group LockBit 3.0 claimed to have stolen some data.

Thales was added to the Lockbit 3.0 group’s victim list on October 31, threatening to publish the stolen data by November 7, 2022 if the company doesn’t pay the ransom. Currently, the ransomware gang has not yet released samples of the stolen data.

Thales told Reuters That is, I did not receive a direct ransom notice.

The company added that it has launched an investigation into the alleged security breach and has also notified the French ANSSI National Cyber ​​Security Agency.

A company spokesperson said the company did not file a complaint with the police.

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Pierluigi Paganini

(security work Hacking, Thales)


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