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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Emerging Viruses and Malware to Watch Out For in 2023

We are entering mid-2023 and the threat landscape continues to evolve with new variants of viruses and malware growing in sophistication. Cybercriminals are constantly coming up with new ways to infiltrate our systems, steal our data, and disrupt our digital lives. In this blog, we explore new virus and malware trends and understand how you can stay protected.

Fileless Malware: The Unseen Threat

One of the unusual emerging threats is fileless malware. It is difficult to detect and remove as it does not rely on pre-existing malicious files to infect the system and uses legitimate system tools and processes to carry out its attacks. Increasingly popular among cybercriminals, this virus bypasses existing antivirus software and remains undetected. The only way to stay protected against such malware is to use reliable antivirus software.

Deepfakes: Cybercriminals’ new weapon

Another thing to note is deepfake. This method uses artificial intelligence to create convincing yet fake audio and visual content. Often used to spread misinformation and damage reputations, Deepfakes are notorious for being used in several high-profile cases, including political campaigns and celebrity scandals. To protect yourself from deepfakes, be extremely careful when using content online and always check and trust information from trusted sources only.

Ransomware: A Persistent Threat

fearful threat of ransomware Attacks are expected to continue to be a major threat in 2023. An attack technique that encrypts the victim’s data so that the rightful owner cannot access it, and demands a ransom for the decryption key, similar to typical hijacking. The danger is that it is steadily growing as a lucrative business for cybercriminals. Ransomware attacks can be devastating to both individuals and businesses, as they involve not only financial loss, but often reputational damage as well. To defend yourself, always back up your data regularly and use reliable antivirus and antimalware software to help you restore and scan in case of an unforeseen attack.

Internet of Things (IoT): Who is Vulnerable

In addition to these threats, targeted attacks can be expected to increase. Internet of Things (IoT) Device. As homes become smarter with more and more interconnected devices, more opportunities are opening up for cyberattacks. This is because most smart devices are insecure and easy to compromise. Attackers can target these device vulnerabilities and use infected IoT devices to launch massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that can bring down entire websites and networks. To protect lives from IoT attacks, it is important to change the default login credentials of IoT devices and monitor the network with a trusted digital security solution.


It is clear that the ever-changing threat landscape is a complex battlefield where adversaries are constantly adapting and innovating their attack techniques. The need to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from emerging malware and viruses has never been greater. The only way to stay ahead of cybercriminals in these scenarios is to stay up to date and properly armed. A wise move is to invest in reliable antivirus and malware protection software with advanced features such as: Quickhill Total Security.


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