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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Next Generation Cybersecurity for Small to Midsize Businesses

How Cynet Gives Lean Security Teams the Tools They Need to Protect Their Business When Budget Shortages and Reduced Staffing Put Many Businesses at Risk

Eyal Gruner, Co-Founder and CEO of Cynet

Economic uncertainty is putting many small and medium-sized businesses in a difficult position. Budgets are being cut and layoff announcements are becoming the norm. Meanwhile, cybersecurity hackers are becoming more sophisticated as security incidents surge. As cybersecurity attacks continue to grow exponentially, it becomes increasingly difficult for security teams of all sizes to keep up with the ever-expanding security threats.

The significant increase in alerts is especially challenging for small security teams and one-person cybersecurity departments tasked with securing an entire organization’s infrastructure. In addition to the “always on” mentality that many security professionals adhere to, the acceleration of alerting is costing businesses in many ways.

true security cost

According to a recent survey sponsored by Cynet, CISOs suffer from work-related stress. 65% of these security leaders acknowledged that their stress levels are affecting their ability to do their jobs. It’s not just CISOs who are suffering. According to the survey, 74% of CISOs reported quitting in the past year due to work-related stress.

A high employee turnover rate is costly for the company both financially and culturally. Rumors of a poor work culture quickly spread throughout the security industry. Companies that struggle to retain staff quickly become companies that are unable to find the right talent to fill already hard-to-find security roles. When you add in the cost of hiring, onboarding, and training new security team members every three to six months, the cost of cybersecurity grows at an alarming rate.

Small businesses need a cybersecurity platform that empowers security leaders. They need an all-in-one solution that provides protection, detection and response capabilities to keep dead threats out of their turf and protect their entire digital ecosystem. Most importantly, a cost-effective security tool that can be implemented and managed by lean security teams who need complete visibility to secure their networks, block and isolate security threats, and stay one step ahead of bad actors. is that you need

The Future of Cybersecurity: An Autonomous, Easily Integrated Solution

AI is driving exponential technological advancements in every industry, including cybercriminal networks. Malware, ransomware and phishing attacks are becoming more sophisticated by the minute. Hackers are not only getting smarter, but they are using more sophisticated tools than ever before. The only way to defeat the new wave of cybersecurity criminals is to implement a next-generation cybersecurity solution that is smarter than the tools the hackers are using.

Security teams in small and medium businesses are typically teams of five or fewer people, so they rely heavily on their security technology stack. Lean security teams need a solution that provides a much-needed degree of autonomy and ease into the organization’s overall security strategy.

A key component of an effective security platform is the ability to automate tedious and redundant tasks. The less time security professionals spend on duplication, the more time they should spend on strategy. Build and manage an effective security program that is proactive in nature and ultimately more successful.

In addition to autonomous and easy-to-use solutions, security teams need integrated security tools that are easy to implement and easy to manage. This idea of ​​an integrated technology stack Cynet’s XDR platformWe offer security professionals a suite of simple, easy-to-use solutions that can be onboarded in a matter of hours, providing comprehensive cybersecurity coverage with minimal operational overhead.

The future of cybersecurity can feel impossibly scary, leaving CISOs and security professionals stressed, overwhelmed, and terrified of what lies ahead. But it doesn’t have to be. Cynet’s next-generation solutions provide all essential cybersecurity capabilities combined with managed detection and response services that provide expert-level customer support. Cynet is a channel leader because of its ability to offer an autonomous XDR security platform that meets the unique needs of its partner ecosystem.

About the author

Eyal Gruner is the co-founder and CEO of Cynet. He is also the co-founder and former CEO of BugSec, Israel’s leading cyber consultancy, and Versafe, which was acquired by F5 Networks. Gruner began his career at the age of 15 by hacking into his bank’s ATM, demonstrating the weakness of his bank’s security, and was inducted into Google’s Security Hall of Fame.

Eyal can be reached online at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eyal-gruner/ From our website www.cynet.com.


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