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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The horror! The horror! NOTEPAD gets tabbed editing (very briefly) – Naked Security

These days, it offers everything in a tabbed format, with almost every decent app and some mid-level (some not so good).

The command window (the window in which only one command shell runs) also became a “tab” somewhere in the 1990s and has been around ever since.

If you need two command windows these days you can, as the name suggests, have two screen windows…

… Or two tabs in one window. Neither tab is a command window, although it is often still referred to as a command window.

they are orders tab.

check in browser

Each tab in the browser is not called a “browser window”. Especially since the browser itself doesn’t call tabs that way.

Edge, for example, has unabashedly distinct menu items. New tab Ctrl+T And New window Ctrl+Neach new tab new in current window window (Don’t get me wrong) in a new window.

Some Unix window managers use the tabbing metaphor even more, allowing you to take two windows even if they belong to completely different apps and turn them into a pair of tabs within a single window. (or meta windowif you prefer.)

However, there are some older programs that have staunchly resisted this trend. Including the venerable built-in Windows text editor, especially for parties such as the 1979 party. NOTEPAD.

Strictly speaking, yes. notepad.exe I’m quietly announcing myself these days. Notepad It’s been in the title bar for years now, but it still feels wrong to write about it without putting the whole word in caps like it used to be COMMAND.COM And CONFIG.SYS.

Two can be opened. NOTESPADprogram (we still applicationlet alone appThese days it has a gear icon, but it will tell you on its own. About this app) also has a menu item that opens a second window.

there is New Ctrl+NLiterally opens a new file in the current window. New window Ctrl+Shift+N.

Opening a new window literally works, but at least by default it carefully lays the new window on top of the old one, so if you’re less anxious you can still pretend there’s only one window.

Let’s be clear. The changes are all very nice and we applaud them in most cases. 640 KB was no better than 64 KB, 16 registers was no better than 8, 64 bits each register was no better than scraping with 32, 16 or 8.

Uncomplicated, unadorned, unmodern

but NOTEPADSurely it’s not just to change?

that estimated It’s uncomplicated, unadorned, unmodern, and, to be honest, not very nice.

because it falls back NOTEPAD It’s sort of a badge of honor, a mark of wisdom and experience, like a thumbs up for a planetary scale, memory-hungry editor like Emacs. Well, everything based on Electron.

When you drive an old car, actually an old car, you expect three forward gears, no more and no less. The self-starter (if any) is expected to be a foot switch that connects the battery directly to the starter motor via a dreaded DC switch without any relays or solenoids. Windshield wipers (if present) must be operated manually. And you expect to prime your carburetor by hand every morning (just google it – a surprisingly powerful kind of analog computing device for mixing fuel and air).

So, you can imagine the consternation of the holiday season the other day. windows centralAbove all Website and social media users found and dutifully reported it in a Microsoft tweet with the following screenshot:

Edit tab?

input NOTEPAD?!


happy new year

good news?

The amazing image apparently disappeared pretty quickly and hasn’t reappeared since.

Let’s hope that wiser advice wins and the code change introducing tabbed editing is safely retracted in 2023.

And seriously, to close, is there anything we can learn about cybersecurity here?


This incident is a top and center red security warning with a danger triangle and exclamation point, such as Do not enable macros, any warnings advising you to avoid attachments from this sender, or warnings that this website is not to be trusted. ) is recalled. – Often, honors are earned for violations, not compliance.

With the holiday season just around the corner and the New Year just around the corner, remember:

pause. Think. And only then connect.

Or, if the rhymes are easier to remember:

If in doubt/don’t give it away!

Especially when there’s a red security warning right there from your boss telling you not to take screenshots!



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