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The Top 4 Data Privacy Trends You Need to Know

Did you watch the latest webinar? “What data privacy trends to watch in 2022?“Privacy Industry Expert at TrustArc, loginand goodwin We’ve come together to discuss what they’re seeing in the world of privacy law and what we expect to see more of in the coming year.

New Privacy Regulations

2021 saw the introduction of new privacy regulations worldwide. There was a wave of activity in Brussels and a new privacy law came into force. Brazil and China. Next, all eyes are on India’s fame. Personal Data Protection Act (PDPB). India is expected to become the next largest country in the world of privacy laws. This measure has the potential to affect a large portion of the world’s population.

Many privacy experts are also keeping a close eye on the United States, wondering if an all-out federal bill would overwhelm many of the state’s legislative approaches. However, this may be less of a data privacy trend to watch out for. Experts are holding their breath and believe more state-level action will be needed instead of federal legislation.

Privacy as a strategic priority

Experts also believe that the strategic importance of privacy features will begin in earnest. When the role of the chief privacy officer first emerged in the late 1990s, it was not driven by regulatory mandates. Companies in the data space are beginning to understand the importance of data and the complexities involved in properly managing it.

Early Chief Privacy Officers played a strategic role in helping these companies integrate data into their business functions. When regulations such as GDPR and other regulations apply, the role of the Chief Privacy Officer has become about compliance. CPOs now have to keep abreast of a set of laws and regulations that are being introduced at a rapid pace.

Next year we will see privacy become a strategic priority again. Businesses will focus on integrating basic privacy compliance elements into their operations and product development. The privacy team will start working more closely with business units to ensure that all departments, from marketing to product development, achieve their goals.

Changing the role of privacy experts

As privacy becomes a more strategic priority, the role of privacy experts will naturally evolve as well. Privacy professionals will start to think like product developers with a privacy priorities roadmap that guides their efforts throughout the year. In the past, privacy teams have sometimes taken a band-aid approach to complying with new laws as they are introduced. They will now take a more holistic look at broader trends in data privacy legislation and implement continuous and iterative improvements to their privacy programs. It meets the requirements of several laws at once.

Privacy Regulations for Emerging Technologies

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace and we expect new regulations to be introduced to address new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). The most technologically advanced companies are still categorizing exactly how AI is defined and used within their businesses. At this stage, it is unclear which path regulators will take to dominate the technology or its application.

So far, European draft legislation has taken a product safety approach. Some state laws in the United States focus on automated decision-making, and the White House’s federal initiatives focus on prejudice, discrimination, equity and fairness. AI regulation represents a new data privacy trend being considered by regulators around the world. Look forward to more advances in privacy and AI this year and years to come.

Ready to explore the key data privacy trends in 2022? Check out the full webinar for more industry insights. Key data privacy trends to watch in 2022or Talk to a TrustArc expert today.


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